Wednesday, January 18, 2006

24 Toys: The audio recorder device in hour 7:00 to 8:00 am

Want to record your household phone conversations?.

Want to get quality tapings you can alter at your will and get advantage of it?.

I present you the The 744T: Portable, Four-Track Audio Recorder with Time Code.

Perfect for blackmailing. The digital files stored in this device gives you long lasting copies you can store safely in many kind of medias like cd roms, dvd roms, usb sticks and various flash memory formats.

Featured on 24 to fool president Logan into thinking president Palmer didn't warn his wife on an upcoming attack. If its good to fool a first wife is good for anyone (who can afford it).

(Just in case this is a joke, I assume no liability if the use of a recording device to tap into phone or personal conversations lands you a lawsuit in your state, check with the local authorities)


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